Seeking a dope, woke therapist?

Find a healer committed to the liberation of Black and Brown people

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You’ve decided you’re ready to make a change and are looking for someone to hold healing space for you. Congrats!  You’ve come to a great starting place! 

Therapy That Liberates features therapists and other healing practitioners who are committed to the liberation of black and brown people. It was created as a response to the Baltimore grassroots community requesting mental health professionals and healers that understand and honor the experiences of black and brown people in their work.  Therapy that Liberates is the result of the collective learning space developed by Shawna Murray-Browne, founder of Kindred Wellness, LLC, to help meet this need.  What started as a response to a local request is now a network of over 600+ providers nationwide.  All of the healers featured at Therapy That Liberates have been trained in Shawna’s Liberation-Focused Healing framework and have participated in communal learning that centers decolonizing mental health care and wellness.

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39 Listings

Mental Health Practitioner

39 Listings
Find licensed mental health practitioners who have been trained in the Liberation-Focused Healing Framework.
4 Listings

Community Wellness Practitioner

4 Listings
Find community wellness practitioners who have been trained in the Liberation-Focused Healing Framework.

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